Once A Year On Blackpool Sands is a triumphant, comedy drama based on real events, regarding an extraordinary night in Blackpool 1953, several days after the Queen's Coronation. Written and directed by Karlton Parris, this true story offers a rare glimpse into an under represented era in LGBTQ film and history. A portrayal of the lives of working class gay men and the women who supported them, in a time when homosexuality was a crime.
Starting life as a play, in 2018 it ran in a limited UK tour, going on to win The Canal Street LGBTQ Award at the Manchester Fringe. The play concluded in a limited engagement Off-Broadway, at The Davenport Theatre, in New York where it attracted industry interest who were passionate that Karlton had written the screen play and moved it forward into a feature film. Having secured the services of sales agent Iuvit Media Sales the film was picked up and distributed by Ariztical entertainment following a successful festival campaign including official selection at the prestigious OutShine festival in Miami, and winning The Directors Choice Award at Cinema Diverse in Palm Springs.
It is now streaming across multiple platforms including AppleTV and Amazon Prime as one of the top selling DVD sales under LGBT titles on Amazon.